Womble Bond Dickinson and aera present OPEN special 2025

The intersection of AI and IP raises critical considerations regarding its use and regulation. We will have presentations on how to approach and use AI, followed by a panel discussing global approaches to regulating AI, tools for using AI in IP, and issues all stakeholders must consider as AI becomes more prevalent.

Having a global outlook when it comes to IP protection requires keeping informed of the key decisions from other jurisdictions. We will broadly cover the top U.S. IP decisions from 2024 and the key decisions to look out for in 2025.


15.30 Registration and coffee

16.00 “How AI works” by Dennis Pultz, Science Manager of AI at Novonesis

16.30 “The Intersection of AI and IP – how companies are using AI to drive innovation and how to protect those innovations” by Katie Simmonds and Preston Heard, Womble Bond Dickinson

17.00 Break

17.15 “An overview of key U.S. IP decisions from 2024 and what to watch out for in 2025” by Mary Bourke and Dana Severance, Womble Bond Dickinson

17.45 Panel discussion: “Global approaches to regulating AI, implementation, and broader considerations as AI becomes more prevalent” moderated by Hanane Fathi Roswall, aera

18.30 Music, drinks, and food

20.00 The End

LOCATION: Pressen, Vester Voldgade 33, Copenhagen