Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and machine-learning have captured the hype and this requires particular attention

Innovation in AI is growing exponentially, and it is necessary to focus on patent protection early to secure your investments.

Effective and timely protection is essential for your innovations.

Our experts within software offer outstanding scientific and legal qualifications backed up by hands-on experience – including from their own industry background.

In addition to strong academic backgrounds in computer sciences and mathematics, our attorneys have significant industrial experience and understand the legal, technical and commercial challenges faced by companies in the global Software and IT sector.

Highly qualified scientific thinking and specialised legal expertise help us create strategies that support your commercial objectives.

As with all our key industry sectors, aera offers a full range of drafting and prosecution services for patents and registered designs, together with oppositions and appeal procedures.

The strong technical expertise of our AI team covers all aspects, including:

  • Self-driving vehicles
  • Robotics Machine learning techniques
  • AI
  • Big data

aera has many direct clients. This inevitably means that we manage and coordinate the prosecution of patent applications all over the world – with the support of our large network of overseas attorneys.

We also prosecute a large number of cases from foreign associates and help securing and defending Scandinavian and European patent rights for international companies, universities, and even governments.


Open Source Software, Open Source AI, Open Washing and Intellectual Property Picking up where the series left off, at the intersection of copyright and generative AI. If you’re just joining, it may be helpful to take a look at the series introduction, technology overview, and part 1, where we introduced […]

5. September 2024
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First up in the series of intellectual property (IP) issues impacted by and evolving with generative AI (deep learning), is that of copyright. For simplicity purposes, let’s divide copyright issues into two categories: one of “traditional” copyright which covers what we will call artistic expression, and includes creations such as […]

21. June 2024
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While it makes sense to have a basic understanding of the technology we are talking about here, not only from the user or system perspective but from a backend or algorithmic point of view, there are already many excellent resources that outline these technologies from various levels of abstraction. And […]

7. June 2024
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Since generative AI entered the mainstream nearly 2 years ago with the debut of ChatGPT, it has quickly been integrated into many of our daily interactions. Regardless of the engagement you’ve had or plan to have with generative AI systems in your professional or personal lives, or the level of […]

7. June 2024
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Since generative AI entered the mainstream nearly 2 years ago with the debut of ChatGPT, it has quickly been integrated into many of our daily interactions. Therefore it seems like an excellent time to introduce a new series of articles: ai matters. Here, we will briefly outline some of the […]

6. June 2024
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