
The Maersk Bridge expands

Since the end of March, A.P. Møller – Maersk has delivered protective equipment to healthcare workers in Denmark in a collaboration between A.P. Møller Holding and RegionH and Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. A few days ago, the Maersk Bridge expanded its operations to also cover Swedish healthcare workers, when a plane landed in Arlanda airport in Stockholm with 4.5 million surgical masks.

The Maersk Bridge team are responsible for the sourcing of suppliers, the procurement of goods and the arrangement of permits, transport and logistics and play a key role in the supply chain between Chinese producers of PPE (personal protective equipment) and Denmark and Sweden.

We at Aera believe that this is a nice story to tell about China and the two countries from which we are operating. We wish you all a nice weekend and a safe May 1st.

Read more about the Maersk Bridge here: