
Maintain the control over your artistic work

Copyright is a valuable asset and protects your literary and artistic works which are a result of an original and individual creative effort, copyright may cover e.g. books, computer programs, images, dramatic and musical works, films and videos. A copyright gives you as the creator of the work an exclusive right to control the use of the work. Unlike most other IP rights, copyright does not require registration in most countries. The creative work is protected automatically and immediately through its creation. In some jurisdictions such as USA and China copyright registration is possible.

aera has an extensive experience in advising clients in copyright matters. Copyright issues are relevant in many different situations such as the right to a copyright, ownership to the copyright, registration and contractual relationships.


The Patent and Market Court at Stockholm District Court writes in its judgement published last week, that the comedian and author Aron Flam’s illustrated tiger on the cover of the book “This is a Swedish Tiger” was a parodic element and not a copyright infringement. The reworked version by Aron […]

12. October 2020
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